Artistic practice strategizing

Theory-based approach to build your contemporary art career

Online course
Theory-based approach to build your contemporary art career
Artistic practice strategizing
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You’ll build strong foundation for

Your artistic research
Your distinctive visual language

Your personalized
artistic strategy
after payment
Estimated 10 weeks
Tilda Publishing
Congratulations! You’ve got the strategy and the skill of applying it.
How it works
Your practice strategizing
Then we put it all together so your in-depth theoretical foundation becomes the basis of your personalized artistic strategy
Your personalized artistic strategy
Finally, you strategize! At the end of the course you plan your next step, be it an artwork, a body of work or an exhibition, applying the components of artistic practice strategizing (form, content, expected functionality, artists’ role).
Third, we study many examples of the best contemporary art practices of the past 30 years. You put together a coherent map of contemporary art, find somebody to lean upon, identify who is your kindred spirit. You position yourself on the map and can move around consciously.
Map of contemporary art and your place on it
First, you build your art ecosystem. This concept means a rather closed and balanced system that assembles into a holistic framework the variety of ideas, topics and techniques which ignite your passion. Your art ecosystem benefits your artistic research and generates references for your further artistic practice.
Your art ecosystem
You combine your ecosystem and the map of contemporary art and reveal the major theme that unites everything you do in art.

Topic of your artistic research
Second, you learn 27 scenarios of artistic strategies. One after the other. We study dozens of examples of their implementation. You learn to identify these scenarios in the works of other artists and in your own existing projects. You pick up the scenarios of artistic strategies which suit you best and will be peculiar to your own visual language.
Your distinctive visual language
Congratulations! You have the strategy and skill of applying it.
As a result
Each work matches, complements and reveals your concept and artistic research. You are moving confidently in the right direction.
You have a distinctive visual language recognizable to a contemporary art audience and feel free to use any media, materials and visual solutions.
All your favorite topics and techniques are now assembled into a cohesive body of work.
You are involved in the contemporary art scene and can describe what you are doing to your audience, collectors, dealers.
What’s inside
14 hours of lectures
Practical assignments
Weekly updates
Weekly Q&A uploads
Project team support
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Caroline Pes
I help artists to conceptualize and strategize their artistic practice.
Искусствовед из Петербурга, лингвист, автор лекций и курсов по истории искусства, методолог и преподаватель МГУ им. Ломоносова
18 years of lecturing and contemporary art research
18 years of lecturing and contemporary art research
Artist mentor. I help to build the strategy and get involved into the contemporary art scene.
Art historian, lecturer, methodologist, university tutor. I educate art professionals.
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